Many life-threatening illnesses, also known as co-morbidities, are associated with obesity. The most notable illnesses include:
Typically, those with a higher body mass index are candidates for bariatric surgery. You may be a candidate for surgery if:
Your BMI is 35 or greater and you have been diagnosed with another life-threatening illness such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or sleep apnea
Your BMI is greater than 40 with no other diagnosed illness
If you have any questions about candidacy, you can call our office at (559) 433-6010.
Our program offers both surgical and endoscopic (non-surgical) options. Surgical options include:
Our endoscopic options include:
Endoluminal gastric plication (or, "gastric sleeve")
While we are familiar with the gastric balloon, our program does not perform that specific procedure. We encourage patients that are interested in the balloon to consider the endoluminal gastric plication as it is a proven safer and more effective option for our patients.
Our team offers various revision surgeries for patients as well and will discuss, as requested.