Pediatric / Fetal Echocardiogram and Sonography

A quick-reference guide for referring providers.

North Medical Plaza

Comprehensive, Disease Specific Ultrasound/Echo exams performed by multi-credentialed Pediatric Sonographers and interpreted by Board Certified Pediatric Radiologists/Cardiologists. Rapid scheduling of exams without excessive wait times. Same day add-on exams are welcomed as insurance allows.

215 North Fresno Street, 3rd Floor, Fresno CA 93701 | (559) 459-1649

To schedule: (559) 459-3984 Fax orders to (559) 459-2078

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Suspected Peripheral Arterial Disease, Claudication

Pediatric Hypertension

Murmur, Hypertension, Pulmonary HTN, Arrhythmia, Known or suspected CHD

Arrhythmia, HTN, Heart Disease

HTN, Arrhythmia, Exercise Intolerance, Abnormal PFTs, Valvular Disease

Sickle Cell anemia

TIA or cryptogenic stroke, known PFO, stroke like symptoms

Abdominal Pain, Vomiting, Nausea, Abdominal mass, Post Prandial Pain

Metabolic Disorders, Elevated LFTs, Pre-Diabetes, Obesity, Fatty Infiltration

Portal Htn, Weight Loss, Liver Disease, Jaundice

Disease specific, i.e. Pyloric stenosis, Intussusception, Appendicitis

Suspected Peripheral arterial Disease

Macrocephaly, Suspected IVH or PVL, Ventriculomegaly

Suspected Hip Subluxation, congenital hip dysplasia, Breech , septic hip

Pelvic Pain, Palpable pelvic mass, Precocious puberty, Irregular menses

Hydronephrosis, Flank pain, Hematuria, UTI, Reflux

Scrotal pain, hydrocele, Eval for torsion, trauma

Palpable lumps, Skin lesions, Other suspected abnormalities

Sacral hair tuft, Sacral Dimple, eval for tethered cord or meningocele

Enlarged thyroid, thyroid mass, abnormal labs

Leg or arm swelling, Hypercoagulability, Trauma, Evaluate for DVT

Pediatric Pulmonary Services

A quick-reference guide for referring providers.

North Medical Plaza

Pulmonary Function and Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing performed by Registered Respiratory Therapists/Pulmonary Function Technologists and interpreted by Board Certified Pediatric Pulmonologists and Cardiologists. Rapid scheduling of tests without excessive wait times.  

To schedule: (559) 459-BEAR (2327)    Fax orders to (559) 459-1539

Referral forms available for download at:

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(With or without a bronchodilator response test):


  • Spirometry
  • Measurement of Lung Volumes
  • Airway Resistance
  • Single-Breath Carbon Monoxide Uptake in the Lung
  • Maximum Respiratory Pressures
  • Bronchodilator (If ordered with a bronchodilator response test)


  • Diagnose underlying pulmonary diseases that cause symptoms such as chest tightness, cough, and shortness of breath
  • Measure the effect of disease on pulmonary function
  • Assess the effectiveness of acute or chronic medication
  • Differentiate among chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma
  • Monitor disease progression or response to treatment
  • Asses preoperative risk and response to surgical or therapeutic interventions
  • Assess and quantify the degree of respiratory muscular weakness that may occur with neuromuscular diseases
  • Assess health status before enrollment in strenuous physical activity programs
  • Distinguish respiratory muscle weakness from obstruction as the cause of low flow rates

(With or without a bronchodilator response test)

Evaluate lung function in very young children or those with physical limitations that prevent them from performing tests that require effort and coordination.

Determine supplemental oxygen requirement by emulating high altitude in subjects susceptible to hypoxia during air travel or travel to high elevation.

(Requires prior consult with a pediatric pulmonologist or cardiologist)


  • Determine the cause of a cardiopulmonary limitation to exercise
  • Identify abnormal cardiopulmonary responses to exercise
  • Detect and evaluate coronary artery disease in patients with chest pain 
  • Prescribe exercise and monitor response to exercise for training and rehabilitation 
  • Asses preoperative risk and response to surgical or therapeutic interventions 
  • Select patients for cardiac transplantation
  • Evaluate unexplained dyspnea when initial cardiopulmonary testing is non-diagnostic 
  • Determine oxygen desaturation during exercise in some patients with lung disease

(Requires prior consult with a pediatric pulmonologist or cardiologist)
  • Perform pre and post-treatment comparisons in patients undergoing lung surgery or cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
  • Monitor functional status and predict morbidity and mortality of patients with COPD, cystic fibrosis, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension, or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • Determine oxygen desaturation during exercise in some patients with lung disease

(Requires prior consult with a pediatric pulmonologist or cardiologist)
  • Assess the patients’ sensitivity to or effectiveness of acute or chronic medication or other therapeutic modalities
  • Confirm or exclude a suspected diagnosis of asthma
  • Screen applicants for situations where asthma would present a high safety risk (e.g., commercial diving submarine service, military, police, or firefighting work)
  • Diagnose exercise induced bronchospasm (EIB) in those with a history of breathlessness or wheezing during or after exercise

Pediatric Diagnostic Radiology Services

  • Full spectrum of Diagnostic x-rays performed by Pediatric trained technologists with specialized pediatric equipment (special positioning aids). 
  • Pediatric specific x-rays also include: Bones surveys, Leg length/joint survey, and Scoliosis series. 
  • All Pediatric Diagnostic x-rays (14 years and under) are interpreted by board certified Pediatric Radiologists at VCH. 
  • Fluoroscopic studies are not offered at NMP. 

Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 0800-1630. 

Registration desk: (559) 459-8008

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