“When I was expecting triplets, my girlfriend told me for the sake of the babies, I needed to deliver at Community Regional because of their great NICU. She was right, it was the best place for me and my babies to be.”

— Marci delivered Landry, Cayden & Emmi nearly six weeks early.

Families are the number one priority in Community Regional Medical Center's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). While we can provide the highest levels of sophisticated neonatal care, we know nothing can replace the love and support of family. That's why we've designed our NICU with families in mind.


Our rating as a Level 3 NICU means we're licensed by the state to care for some of the sickest infants and offer around-the-clock care. We have the largest Level 3 NICU in the Valley and provide care for infants with complex critical care needs, including premature infants and babies with a variety of diagnoses.


Our environment is calm and welcoming, and we encourage family involvement in the care of your baby.


Specially Trained Team

Our care team of doctors, nurses, respiratory, physical, speech therapists and dieticians are all specially trained to treat critically ill babies. We have qualified physicians and nurse practitioners in the hospital ready to care for your baby 24 hours a day. And our team is available to respond immediately to any emergency.


If your baby needs surgery, our pediatric surgeons and anesthesiologists provide care quickly and are equipped with the latest technology. We also have a dedicated neonatal pharmacist who's an expert in the medications, fluids and nutrition that ill babies need. Our lactation consultant works closely with mothers to help them successfully breast feed, and our physical and speech therapists help babies achieve important developmental milestones.


Keeping Moms and Babies Together

Providing comprehensive labor and delivery services along with advanced NICU care in one location allows us to keep newborns near their mothers and close to their families. Providing comprehensive labor and delivery services along with advanced NICU care in one location allows us to keep newborns near their mothers and close to their families. This also improves mom and baby bonding, and breast milk production as well as reducing anxiety and postpartum depression.


Strengthening the family bond, improving the baby's health and promoting growth and development after baby goes home are the goals of our care. Together we’ve got this. 

The neonatal transport service at Community Regional provides ground or air transportation for critically ill and premature newborns who need the specialized services only a Level 3 NICU can provide.

Neonatal transport is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and covers a region that spans 5 counties.
A registered nurse, respiratory care practitioner, and neonatal nurse practitioner or neonatologist make up Community Regional’s NICU transport team.

Parents and families are crucial to an infant's recovery, growth and development. You're encouraged to be with your baby as much as possible. Our integrated care model supports parent involvement in caring for your baby.
For more information call (559) 459-3961.

Community Regional Milk Bank

When babies are born premature, breastfeeding can sometimes be challenging. The Donor Milk Depot at Community Regional’s NICU helps premature babies thrive with the use of donated breast milk.

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