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Friday, January 25, 2019, 10:19 AM
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The truth behind weight-loss surgery myths

If you are considering weight-loss or bariatric surgery, you have a lot of information to sort through. But, how do you know what’s true and what isn't?
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A brown piece of paper is ripped to the right side. Underneath in black writing on a salmon backgrounds reads, "Uncover the facts."
If you are considering weight-loss or bariatric surgery, you have a lot of information to sort through. But, how do you know what’s true and what isn't?


As one of the most experienced weight-loss surgery programs in the country, the metabolic and bariatric surgery team at Fresno Heart & Surgical Hospital has seen and heard it all.

Confused by all the myths out there? Here are a few helpful truths to help make the best decision for you.


Myth #1: Having weight-loss surgery is taking the easy way out.

Truth: Weight-loss or bariatric surgery, like any other lifestyle change, is a life-long commitment.


Research shows that it's nearly impossible for people affected by severe obesity to maintain long-term weight loss with diet and exercise. The cause for obesity is much more than an “addiction” to food. Many physical and psychological factors play a part in each case.


But bariatric surgery isn’t a magic pill. There are guidelines you must follow to qualify for surgery and to continue being successful in your weight-loss journey. Each potential patient goes through an evaluation process to determine readiness for surgery. It includes medical history, nutrition and weight history and psychological status.


Myth #2: Weight-loss surgery isn’t safe.

Truth: As with any surgical procedure, there are risks that you should discuss with your surgical team and loved ones. However, with the advancements of minimally invasive surgery, safety and after-surgery recovery has dramatically improved.


Many studies have shown that the risk of death from any weight-related illness, like type 2 diabetes and hypertension, is less for those who've had bariatric surgery, compared to those who haven’t. According to the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, bariatric surgery is now safer than a hip replacement or having your gallbladder removed!


Myth #3: Most people who have bariatric surgery regain all their weight.

Truth: It is true that some patients regain a small percent of weight (about 5%) two years or more after surgery. However, most are successful in maintaining their weight loss long-term along with any related health issues that may have affected them.


Success isn't only determined by weight loss, but by how each patient perceives an improvement of quality of life. Dr. Keith Boone, Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeon at Fresno Heart & Surgical Hospital says, “While most people only focus on the weight loss aspect of the surgery, we really focus primarily on the medical issues. Issues like diabetes, sleep apnea, infertility, high blood pressure and even arthritis.”


If you have been considering bariatric surgery, talk to your primary care provider or attend one of Fresno Heart & Surgical Hospital’s free bariatric seminars.

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