PUBLIC NOTICE: Advanced Diagnostic Testing Center (ADTC) will permanently close effective October 31, 2024. Learn More

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Patient Stories

Patients are at the heart of what Community Health System does.
Hear stories from real patients and their families about their experience with the hospital system, medical providers and staff. Learn how the care they received helped them get back to daily life.
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Ovarian Cancer Care

Healthcare Heroes

Compassionate. Inspiring. Supportive.
Healthcare heroes provide compassion, inspiration and support to those in need. See how Community’s team members (and members of the community) selflessly give their all for others.
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Healthcare Hero: Clovis Community Lab Technician

Mental Health Matters

Many people take care of their physical health to maintain wellness — the same approach can be taken for our mental health.
Learn insight and ways to keep your mind healthy and balanced. 
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Mental Health Matters: Nutrition and Mental Health

Stay Safe

Learn how you can best keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
View these simple tips from different healthcare professionals and community members.
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Stay Safe: Pet Fire Safety

Parenting 411

When it comes to parenting, you treasure the journey.
But when chaos erupts you need solutions. Learn helpful tips and tricks for raising kids of all ages.
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Parenting 411: Newborn Sleep Safety

Tell us your story

Do you have an interesting story about an experience at Community? Want to highlight your caregiver as a healthcare hero? Let us know!

Feel free to contact us using this form. If you’d like to be contacted via email, keep in mind this is not a secure form of communication, so please consider calling if you have private information you'd prefer to keep confidential. We won't respond to solicitations.

Remember: we cannot provide diagnoses or medical recommendations. We are only here for educational and informational purposes. If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

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