For more than 50 years, the Central Valley Black Nurses Association has provided health education and training to children in underserved communities. We provide things like diabetes education, pop-up health events and hygiene kits to students K-12 across the Valley.
Our mission is to inspire these kids to consider a career in healthcare, no matter their background or family situation. This region is in desperate need of healthcare professionals and there is no better time to plant a seed of inspiration with these students than right now. Most nurses will tell you, including myself, that we didn’t decide to become nurses as adults, but as kids.
As the former president of the Central Valley Black Nurses Association, I came to Community Health System looking for help to expand our program and outreach to rural communities across the Valley. As a volunteer organization, we simply couldn’t carry out our mission without help. Thanks to Community’s financial support, we’ve been able to spend more time on campuses across the Valley and have engaged over 1,100 students in the past few months alone …and we are on pace to triple that number in the months ahead. Community has also helped us expand our scholarship program to ensure no potential nursing students are left behind.
We believe anything can happen when you dream big enough and have access to the resources you need. Our partnership with Community is helping us inspire our kids … and change their lives.
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