When I had routine blood work done, I thought I just had abnormal cholesterol levels. But after more tests and a CT scan, my doctors found a nodule — and I was diagnosed with stage 1 lung cancer.
The physician’s assistant was so kind and gentle about telling me, but the news hit hard and close to home. I was so concerned this was going to be a death sentence for me, like it was for my mom. There was so much going through my mind, I didn’t know where to start.
But my Community rallied around me. Between my nurse navigator and the lung nodule program staff at the Community Cancer Institute, I felt so cared for.
It’s a miracle my cancer was found, and my care was coordinated so quickly. Within three months of surgery, I was feeling great and well on my way back to living my normal life. I’m beyond thankful for my Community — I couldn’t have made it through this without them.
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